Monday, April 25, 2011

Edgar's Pub, Manasquan, NJ 04/23/11

Saturday was another fun-filled night at Edgar’s Pub which featured a performance of the classic “Darkness on the Edge of Town” album from start to finish. It’s not the easiest album to attempt to do in a bar setting due to the fact that it’s an intense album with several slow songs and a lack of many danceable tracks, but for the most part the crowd was very attentive and receptive to what we were trying to do. Ryan’s blistering guitar solos on “Prove it All Night,” Adam Raised a Cain,” “Streets of Fire” and “Candy’s Room” were the highlights of the evening. After we were done performing the album we kicked things into party mode with an assault of rockers guaranteed to get people moving. Forgoing a planned second break, we plowed ahead, adding songs to the set as we went along and finishing with a total of 39-songs in all. Many thanks to the wonderful staff at Edgar’s and everybody who came out to see us play.

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